Product Details

HLO Add Game: Tales of the Valiant

HLO Add Game: Tales of the Valiant
Add-On Details
Tales of the Valiant
Game System
Kobold Press
Content Type
Product Details
Hero Lab® Online
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Not Yet Specified
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Be Bold. Be Brave. Be Valiant!

Tales of the Valiant (ToV) is a Black Flag Roleplaying game from Kobold Press that builds on the Creative Commons foundation of 5th Edition.

Fully compatible with the 5E products you already know and love, Tales of the Valiant is a new game, but if you’ve played 5th Edition D&D, you’ll feel right at home!

Learn more about Tales of the Valiant Roleplaying Game.

With an impressive array of magic items, spells, and classes, this data package includes everything you need to start adventuring with the Tales of the Valiant:

250 magic items
203 spells
110 gear
78 rituals
45 talents
37 weapons
14 armor
14 heritages
13 classes
10 backgrounds
8 lineages 6 vehicles

Character + Vault Viewer Content

Hero Lab Online Required