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Pathfinder 2nd Edition
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Paizo Publishing
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Hero Lab® Online
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Includes all material from:
• Book of the Dead
• Dark Archive
• Lost Omens: Impossible Lands
• Lost Omens: Knights of Lastwall
• Lost Omens: Travel Guide
• Blood Lords - Character Content
• Crown of the Kobold King - Character Content
• Fists of the Ruby Phoenix - Character Content
• Kingmaker - Character Content
• Outlaws of Alkenstar - Character Content
• Quest for the Frozen Flame - Character Content
• Strength of Thousands - Character Content
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Game System: |
Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Software: |
Hero Lab® Online
Required Packages: |
The undead nation of Geb gains most of its trade from the export of food grown on zombie-worked farms, but one farm has been the site of a series of strange occurrences. The Blood Lords Adventure Path is a six-part campaign in which the characters rise from skilled troubleshooters to join the Blood Lords who rule a land of the dead. The content includes:
• 38 creatures and optional creature abilities
• 18 magic items
• 13 feats
• 14 items
• 6 backgrounds
• 6 focus spells
• 5 factions
• 5 undead companions
• 1 oracle curse
• 1 vehicle and 1 special material
• 1 deity
• 1 domain
• 12 spells
GM content, such as encounters and NPCs, will be released in a separate package.
Game System: |
Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Software: |
Hero Lab® Online
Required Packages: |
The dead are rising! From must have tools for fighting against the horde to options for players to control or even become undead creatures, this package has something for everyone. A massive bestiary addition full of undead creatures brings more threats for GMs to use and summonable creatures for players, including new versions of classic undead such as vampires, skeletons, and zombies. This blasphemous resource gives players and GMs everything they need to bring the shambling menace of the undead to their Pathfinder adventures, including:
• 2 deities
• 9 backgrounds
• 11 new ancestries for players, animal companions, and eidolons
• 18 assorted weapons and magic items
• 25 useful hazards
• Nearly 80 new creatures
• 138 feats
Game System: |
Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Software: |
Hero Lab® Online
Required Packages: |
The town of Falcon’s Hollow is no stranger to peril, yet the danger growing in the dungeons below a nearby ruin poses a threat that only a new band of heroes can face. Ravenous undead, cunning kobolds, and sinister necromancers are but a few of the foes that shall soon menace the small lumber town, yet none are potentially as dangerous as the Kobold King himself! This deluxe adventure package has everything you’ll need to fend of the Kobold King and his minions including:
• 1 Background
• 1 Ritual
• 1 curse
• 6 new creatures
• 14 magic items
GM content, such as encounters and NPCs, will be released in a separate package.
Game System: |
Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Software: |
Hero Lab® Online
Required Packages: |
From the fringes, the unknown beckons. Pathfinder Dark Archive contains secrets that any player or GM can use to reveal the paranormal lurking in their Pathfinder games! This spine-tinglingly offering presents two new character classes perfect for delving into the unexplained: Unleash the untold power of your mind as the psychic or leverage supernatural secrets and mystic implements as the thaumaturge!
This data package includes everything you’ll need to dive into the mysteries of the Dark Archives, including:
• 2 brand new classes
• 5 new creature adjustments
• 11 original archetypes
• 51 miscellaneous gear items
• 84 spells, curses, and rituals
• 234 brand new feats
• As well as a variety of hazards, creature adjustments, backgrounds and more
Game System: |
Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Software: |
Hero Lab® Online
Required Packages: |
The time has come again for the Ruby Phoenix Tournament! The sorcerer Hao Jin has invited only the strongest martial artists, adventurers, and fortune seekers to her world-famous fighting competition. The motley roster of contenders must compete for this decade's champion title and the choice of one of Ruby Phoenix's grand treasures. Who will come out on top, and who will be left in the dust? There's only one way to find out! From new weapons and armor to spells and feats, this package includes everything you'll need to create thematically appropriate characters for the Fist of the Ruby Pheonix Adventure Path including:
• One sorcerer bloodline
• Three original spells
• Access to 18 assorted weapons, armor, and magic items
• 28 new creatures
• And 46 useful feats
GM content, such as encounters and NPCs, will be released in a separate package.
Game System: |
Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Software: |
Hero Lab® Online
Required Packages: |
The Kingmaker Adventure Path presents a full-length campaign that chronicles the rise of a new nation—a kingdom built and ruled by your player characters! Face off against bands of bloodthirsty bandits, deadly and dangerous monsters, and mysterious menaces from other realities as you fight to claim the Stolen Lands as your own. Will you rule with justice and mercy, or will you become the very monsters you fought to oppose? In the Kingmaker Adventure Path, the destiny of the world’s newest nation is yours to decide and you can make those decisions with the following necessities:
• 21 Items
• 17 Creatures
• 12 Feats
• 10 Spells
• 1 Ritual
• 7 backgrounds
GM content, such as encounters and NPCs, will be released in a separate package.
Game System: |
Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Software: |
Hero Lab® Online
Required Packages: |
In a land still scarred by a war between two undying archmages and their respective nations, reality defies the rules binding the rest of the world. Cities crafted by wishes and fields harvested by the walking dead lay in between lands where magic warps and twists with an undefinable will. Explore the history of immortal wizard kings, wield explosive and unusual technology, and channel awe-inspiring legends in a region where the present is still haunted by the past. Imagine the impossible with the following content:
• 139 feats and 7 unusual feats
• 39 assorted gear
• 27 heritages
• 16 spells
• 14 creatures
• 14 creature variants and optional abilities
• 10 deities
• 6 afflictions
• 5 ancestries
• 1 class option
• 1 animal companion and 1 familiar
Game System: |
Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Software: |
Hero Lab® Online
Required Packages: |
Fulfill your oath! When the armies of the Whispering Tyrant marched on Lastwall, the keeps and cities may have fallen, but its people and their spirit did not falter! Lost Omens Knights of Lastwall pays homage to the brave knights who continue the fight against the undead hordes and evils that roam the world. From new rules content to unique weapons, armor, and gear, the Knights of Lastwall data package is just what you need to be the best knight you can be, including:
• 6 deities
• 8 backgrounds
• 19 spells
• 28 assorted weapons, armor, and gear
• 73 feats
Game System: |
Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Software: |
Hero Lab® Online
Required Packages: |
Adventure across the scenic Inner Sea with the Lost Omens Travel Guide! Your companion to the culture, life, and sights of the Inner Sea, this data package includes the following contents:
• 1 ritual
• 6 alchemical items
• 8 backgrounds
• 8 pantheons
• 10 adjustments to apply the effects of magical events
Game System: |
Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Software: |
Hero Lab® Online
Required Packages: |
A ragtag band of gunslinging outlaws get their hands dirty in the greasy alleyways and whisky-soaked saloons of Alkenstar, the City of Smog. To get revenge on the mogul who destroyed them, the renegades will have to stick up an illicit bank, foil a crooked shieldmarshal, and escort a reclusive inventor to safety. This data package includes everything players need to gear up for their heist:
• 39 assorted weapons, armor, and gear
• 20 NPC ancestries
• 19 spells
• 19 feats
• 20 NPC ancestries
• 6 backgrounds
• 1 creature adjustment
GM content, such as encounters and NPCs, will be released in a separate package.
Game System: |
Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Software: |
Hero Lab® Online
Required Packages: |
In the brutal tundra of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, only the hardiest folk have what it takes to withstand unsparing weather, track down big game, and fight back hostile followings. The Broken Tusk following has survived another winter, but a new year just began, and signs of danger foretell a year unlike any before. Unless their newest party of scouts can secure a safe route through the wilds, saber-toothed beasts, warmongering rivals, and the ever-looming possibility of natural disaster all threaten to end an ancient people’s legacy. This data package includes everything players need to embark on the Quest for the Frozen Flame, including:
• One heritage and 4 animal companion ancestries
• 5 deities
• 10 original spells
• 21 brand new creatures
• Access to 26 assorted weapons, armor, and magic items
• 27 feats
GM content, such as encounters and NPCs, will be released in a separate package.
Game System: |
Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Software: |
Hero Lab® Online
Required Packages: |
School's in session! The newest students at the venerable Magaambya school of magic must begin their academic careers with tests of their skill and resourcefulness. The heroes can learn much from their teachers and fellow students, but must beware of mysterious secrets and sinister plots. The rigors facing any Magaambya students are steep, but the heroes must also contend with strange infestations and supernatural intruders in the school's ancient halls. Education is far from easy at the oldest and most prestigious magic academy in the world! This package includes everything players and GMs need to create characters and get to school, including campaign specific variant rules options to use Spellcasting for Everyone or Branches of Scholarship and the following:
• 38 new creatures
• 34 assorted weapons, armor, and magic items
• 19 spells and rituals
• 14 feats
• 1 deity
GM content, such as encounters and NPCs, will be released in a separate package.
Downloadable content for Realm Works can be secured in a few different ways, depending on the nature of the material. Below is a summary of these different methods and how the secured content is ultimately used:
Downloadable content for Realm Works can be secured in a few different ways, depending on the nature of the material. Below is a summary of these different methods and how the secured content is ultimately used:
Downloadable content for Realm Works can be secured in a few different ways, depending on the nature of the material. Below is a summary of these different methods and how the secured content is ultimately used:
Downloadable content for Realm Works can be secured in a few different ways, depending on the nature of the material. Below is a summary of these different methods and how the secured content is ultimately used:
Downloadable content for Realm Works can be secured in a few different ways, depending on the nature of the material. Below is a summary of these different methods and how the secured content is ultimately used:
Downloadable content for Realm Works can be secured in a few different ways, depending on the nature of the material. Below is a summary of these different methods and how the secured content is ultimately used:
Downloadable content for Realm Works can be secured in a few different ways, depending on the nature of the material. Below is a summary of these different methods and how the secured content is ultimately used:
Downloadable content for Realm Works can be secured in a few different ways, depending on the nature of the material. Below is a summary of these different methods and how the secured content is ultimately used:
Downloadable content for Realm Works can be secured in a few different ways, depending on the nature of the material. Below is a summary of these different methods and how the secured content is ultimately used:
Downloadable content for Realm Works can be secured in a few different ways, depending on the nature of the material. Below is a summary of these different methods and how the secured content is ultimately used:
Downloadable content for Realm Works can be secured in a few different ways, depending on the nature of the material. Below is a summary of these different methods and how the secured content is ultimately used:
Downloadable content for Realm Works can be secured in a few different ways, depending on the nature of the material. Below is a summary of these different methods and how the secured content is ultimately used:
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