Product Details

Curtain Call - Character Content PF2

Curtain Call - Character Content PF2
Add-On Details
Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Game System
Paizo Publishing
Content Type
Product Details
Hero Lab® Online
Required Product
Not Yet Specified
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No Refunds
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Rumors abound that an old enemy, a dangerous foe you defeated at the culmination of your first huge adventure, has returned. Yet confronting your old nemesis once again is only the beginning of what's next for your group, for a famous director has singled you out as the subject of her newest opera. How dangerous could it be, helping to produce an extravaganza based on your own heroic legacy?

The Curtain Call Adventure Path boasts everything you need to plan the best opera yet, including:

1 ritual
2 deitys
2 items
5 spells
8 backgrounds
10 creatures
12 magic items
13 feats

GM content, such as encounters and NPCs, will be released in a separate package.

Hero Lab Online Required