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Stolen Fate - Character Content PF2 (35% off)

Stolen Fate - Character Content PF2 (35% off)
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Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Game System
Paizo Publishing
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Hero Lab® Online
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A vision of a strange shop in the Grand Bazaar of Absalom accompanies the unexpected arrival of powerful magic cards that mysteriously manifest in the possession of a band of adventurers. But when an investigation of this vision reveals murder, treachery, and fiendish machinations, the adventurers are thrown into a race to control the very future of all things to come, tied to the ubiquitous fortune-telling cards known as the Harrow! Who has chosen your characters for this deadly quest, and what might become of your destinies should you fail?

This data package includes everything players need to create the best characters possible for Stolen Fate, including:

7 backgrounds
1 sorcerer bloodline
10 feats
3 spells
1 ritual
46 items
21 creatures
19 artifacts

GM content, such as encounters and NPCs, will be released in a separate package.

Hero Lab Online Required