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Player Core 2 PF2 (35% off)

Player Core 2 PF2 (35% off)
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Pathfinder 2nd Edition
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Paizo Publishing
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Hero Lab® Online
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Survival in a world beset by magic and evil takes more than a lucky roll of the dice. Pathfinder Player Core 2 significantly expands options available to Pathfinder players, giving them the edge to take on any adventure. These new rules remaster 8 classes from Pathfinder Second Edition, providing everything you need to create a wide array of new characters, ready to take on the world. Player Core 2 also includes more than 40 archetypes, expanded ancestries, and tons of feats, spells, and alchemical items to provide a near-endless array of exciting options for every Pathfinder character! The ideal character option resource for players looking to move beyond the Pathfinder Player Core, Pathfinder Player Core 2 includes:

3 versatile heritages, including the new dragonblood heritage, with 47 feats
8 classes with 458 feats, both new and updated
8 ancestries with 170 feats
24 updated backgrounds
51 archetypes with 271 feats
59 updated general and skill feats
169 spells and rituals
185 items

Character + Vault Viewer Content

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